Why can’t you tow an electric car?
It’s true: electric vehicles (EVs) require less maintenance than regular cars. However, that doesn’t mean they’re completely immune to unexpected issues. Flat tires, pushing your vehicle past its available range, damage to its hydraulic brakes… Problems can, unfortunately, still crop up.
In a roadside emergency where your vehicle can no longer be driven, most drivers rely on a standard tow truck to get them to safety. But if you’re an EV driver, that option is off the table.
Let’s go over why a standard tow truck can’t tow an EV and what you’ll need to do instead.
Why EVs can’t be towed
When a vehicle is towed the usual way – with front tires lifted – the back tires roll on the road. That is totally fine for a regular car (if it’s in neutral), but with an EV, it can lead to disaster.
As an EV’s wheels spin, they generate power to charge the battery. This process, known as regenerative braking, helps keep your EV running so you don’t have to stop and charge it at a station as often. However, if the car is being towed, this power has nowhere to go. If towed far enough, this can end up seriously damaging the EV’s battery and motor.
Towing your EV with the traditional dragging method can lead to highly expensive repairs. To avoid this, you’ll need to have your EV transported a different way.
Towing alternative for EVs
The exact way your vehicle should be prepped and positioned for transport can vary. Review your owner’s manual for more information and check whether your automaker has a roadside assistance program you can take advantage of.
Whether you use your manufacturer’s roadside assistance program or an independent one, or you have a favourite towing company, always let them know that you’re driving an EV, because EVs must be towed on a flatbed truck.
Most of the time, the truck driver will use pulleys and jacks to lift the vehicle onto the flatbed. Safety chains or cables will help hold it in place. With the entire vehicle off the ground, the wheels have no chance of spinning. If at any point you notice the tow truck driver positioning the car improperly, ask them to stop and request help from an experienced professional.
Dollies can also be paired with a regular tow truck to move an EV, but a flatbed truck is the most recommended approach.
Towing for campers
Do you RV in the warmer months and tow your car along? The same rules apply. Safely attach a car hauler (flatbed trailer) to your RV to tow your EV. Don’t leave any wheels on the ground.
Other towing info
Having your EV transported properly is key to avoiding serious mechanical issues and expensive repairs. Even if you must wait longer for a flatbed truck to arrive to avoid damaging your EV while it’s in tow, it’s worth it.
Although you can’t tow an EV the common way, you can still tow other vehicles and trailers with one. Before you hit the road, check out this article for some useful towing tips.
For any questions about transporting an EV or towing with one, visit an AUTOPRO service centre to ask an expert.
Photo: iStock-1272635079