Online Resource Centre

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How to prevent it from breaking.
Who can fix it.

Maintenance tips

Can you add an engine block heater to a car? 

Winter can be brutal on your car, especially if your engine struggles to start in the cold. Adding an engine block heater can make all the difference…

Maintenance tips

Preparing an emergency kit for your vehicle

An emergency vehicle kit tailored for winter conditions can help you stay safe and comfortable during unexpected situations. Here’s a comprehensive…

Maintenance tips

What is an AGM battery? 

Your gas-powered vehicle requires a 12 V battery to run its electrical systems, including the starter and alternator, to get your engine going. The most…

Maintenance tips

Winter maintenance essentials

Winter weather may be out of your control, but you can control getting your vehicle winter-ready for whatever the season brings. Complete these essential…

Maintenance tips

New Year’s resolutions for your vehicle

The New Year is a great time to set goals you’ve always wanted to accomplish. If you own a vehicle, why not include it in your resolutions? Let’…

Maintenance tips

What to do if you're stuck in snow?

When you’re stuck in the snow, suddenly the “most wonderful time of the year” turns into the worst. To keep your holiday plans on track, let’s…

Maintenance tips

Should you warm up your car before driving?

Can you drive your gas-powered car when it hasn’t been warmed? Does idling for five minutes warm up the cabin? Is a block heater at all useful? We’…

Maintenance tips

Why is my car heater not blowing hot air?

Is the interior of your vehicle so cold you could store a snowman inside it? Your car heater may not be working. We’ll quickly show you how a heating…

Maintenance tips

Why is my exhaust loud all of a sudden?

How often have you been woken up from a nice night’s sleep or a relaxing nap by the sound of a noisy muffler blaring down the street? Or do you hear…

Maintenance tips

Should you boost or replace the battery?

Almost every driver will have to deal with a dead battery at some point. But how do you know if you just need a simple jump start or a full replacement…

Maintenance tips

Replacing a burned headlight or taillight bulb

Ever since the first headlights were invented at the end of the 19th century, using an actual open flame to light the way, headlights—and later, taillights…

Maintenance tips

Which wiper blades are best?

Without a sturdy set of windshield wiper blades, you risk not having a clear view of the road, especially in extreme weather. But how do you pick the…

Maintenance tips

How to store your summer tires for the winter

Summer tires off, winter tires on, summer tires go… where? Canada’s extreme weather variations mean most Canadian drivers need two sets of tires:…

Maintenance tips

Winter tires vs. 4-season vs. all-season tires

All-season tires sound like they’re truly meant for all four seasons, don’t they? In fact, they’re only designed for spring, summer, and fall. Winter…

Maintenance tips

How and why to rotate your tires?

Checking your tires’ air pressure monthly and replacing them seasonally is standard automotive maintenance, but what about tire rotation? Did you…

Maintenance tips

Range indicators: kilometres or battery percentage?

Electric vehicles (EVs) have two indicators that show you how much energy is left in your battery: kilometres or percentage charged. Unfortunately, these…

Maintenance tips

Undercarriage coatings: Rustproofing your vehicle

Rust: an inevitable inconvenience. Although you can’t prevent rust from forming on your car ultimately, you can slow down how fast it spreads with rustproofing…

Maintenance tips

Back to school maintenance: Why is the airbag warning light on?

Pencils? Check. Notebook? Check. Airbag warning light on? Check. Wait…  If you’re getting ready to go back to school, one thing you don’…

Maintenance tips

Back-to-school maintenance: Get your oil changed

Having your oil and oil filter changed regularly not only improves your ride, it also protects your engine from needing to be replaced. Having your oil…

Maintenance tips

Back-to-school maintenance: Get your suspension checked

Getting ready to go back to school? Make sure your car’s suspension is ready too! Even if you won’t be doing a school commute, September is a great…

Maintenance tips

Back-to-school maintenance: EV brake job breakdown 

EVs have two braking systems: the hydraulic (friction) braking system and the regenerative braking system. We’ll cover how these systems differ from…

Maintenance tips

Back-to-school maintenance: Get your hybrid’s high-voltage battery checked

September is chock full of checklists, isn’t it? But even if no one in your family attends school, it’s a good time to begin preparations for the…

Maintenance tips

Where can I get my car painted?

Have a major chip on your vehicle’s exterior? Too much rust? Or maybe you just want a new colour to give your vehicle more personality? Having your…

Maintenance tips

The best oil filter for your vehicle

When your automotive technician changes your oil, they usually change the filter too. But how do you know you’re getting a good-quality filter? What…

Maintenance tips

Why can’t you tow an electric car? 

It’s true: electric vehicles (EVs) require less maintenance than regular cars. However, that doesn’t mean they’re completely immune to unexpected…

Maintenance tips

How much does a brake pad and rotor replacement cost?

When your auto technician recommends a brake pad and rotor replacement, how can you tell that the job is necessary? How much will it cost? Will the cost…

Maintenance tips

Tips for adjusting tire pressure for optimal fuel efficiency

Many car owners don’t give their tires a second thought once they’re installed. However, maintaining this part of your vehicle, especially the tire…

Maintenance tips

Does my car need a coolant flush? 

Did you know that the combustion chamber of modern engines reaches temperatures upwards of 4,000°F 2,200°C? That’s not a typo. The metaphorical eggs…

Maintenance tips

Car wash vs. detailing package: What’s the difference?

Washing and detailing is a crucial part of any car maintenance routine. But when does your vehicle need which service?  Let’s go over the differences…

Maintenance tips

Why is my A/C not blowing cold?

A failed air conditioner is as bad as—or maybe worse than—a dead hot water heater in the winter. No one likes to sit in a sauna on wheels, just like…

Maintenance tips

Extreme heat can damage your battery 

People aren’t the only ones to suffer in a hot car. Your battery feels it, too. How the heat affects it will depend, in part, on the specific type your…

Maintenance tips

Signs Your A/C Needs to be Recharged (and/or Repaired)

Trying to beat the summer heat? Make sure your car’s air conditioning (A/C) system is up for the challenge! But since it works overtime during this…

Maintenance tips

What to Do When Your Car Overheats: The Crucial Role of Coolant in Your Vehicle 

Nobody wants to see smoke rising from the hood while they’re driving. But can you avoid overheating your car in the first place? Let’s go over what…

Maintenance tips

Tire Wear: Strategies to Get the Most Out of Your Rubber

All tires – winter, summer, all-seasons, etc. – wear with use. How do you know when it’s time to replace them? When is regular maintenance enough…

Maintenance tips

My Steering Wheel Is Crooked? What Do I Do?

Do you have to adjust your driving because your steering wheel is off by a few degrees? Do you find your vehicle pulling to one side? Or does your car…

Maintenance tips

Difference between Wheel Alignment & Tire Balancing

Wheel alignment and tire balancing often go hand in hand, but they’re very different processes. Over time, your vehicle’s tires become uneven, the…

Maintenance tips

The Importance of a Complete Brake Job to Keep Your Brakes Working Like New

How necessary is regular brake maintenance? What’s involved? Why do brakes even need maintenance? You’ve likely seen a few near misses in your years…

Maintenance tips

Repairs to Consider When Buying a Used Vehicle

Whether a used vehicle saves you money can heavily depend on its condition. In this blog post, we’ll cover basic points to keep in mind when buying…

Maintenance tips

Trailer Towing 101

New to towing? Let’s go over how to pick a towing vehicle, some essential towing accessories, and how to maintain your trailer. Picking a Towing Vehicle…

Maintenance tips

Tire Season—The Best Time to Put on Summer Tires

Spring is here! Before you know it, the summer heat will take over, which means it’s time to head to your local NAPA AUTOPRO shop to switch out your…

Maintenance tips

Why You Should Perform a Brake Service on Hybrid Vehicles?

Every vehicle needs regular maintenance to perform its best, including on the brakes. You may know the differences between brake maintenance for an internal…

Maintenance tips

The Evolution of Women in the Automotive Industry

Nowadays, it’s not as rare to see women in the automotive industry, but this wasn’t always the case. Let’s look at some pioneers who paved the way…

Maintenance tips

Spring Is Finally Here!

Pack away your winter coat and boots: spring is here! Now’s the time to create your spring maintenance checklist, including important automotive tasks…

Maintenance tips

What Does an Anti-Lock Brake (ABS) System Do?

Your car relies on various features to keep you safe, including the anti-lock braking system (ABS). Let’s go over what this system is and how to spot…

Maintenance tips

Vehicle Maintenance and the Manufacturer’s Warranty - Myth vs Reality

Who exactly should you trust with your car’s maintenance? How do you pick the appropriate professional? Do you risk voiding the manufacturer’s warranty…

Maintenance tips

Is Anti-Rust Protection Required?

Finding rust on your vehicle can be a nightmare for any car owner. However, is there any way to prevent it? If you want to keep your vehicle for several…

Maintenance tips

Car Battery Replacement Service

Your car’s battery is responsible for providing power to your ignition system, headlights, instrument panel, air conditioning system and more. Without…

Maintenance tips

Get Your Car’s Heating System Ready

While you may be ready for chilly winter temperatures just by throwing on a few extra layers, your car needs more of a head start on the season. Run through…

Maintenance tips

How Long Do Winter Tires Last?

Changing over to winter tires is one of the most important parts of preparing your car for winter. Remember to inspect your winter tires each year and…

Maintenance tips

Sunroof Maintenance & Service

During the summer, a sunroof is a great way to enjoy the fresh air and make your car feel slightly more spacious. To help you get the most out of it,…

Maintenance tips

Vehicle AC Maintenance & Service

During the summer heat, the last thing you want is for your vehicle’s air conditioning unit to fail. Let’s cover common car AC maintenance questions…

Maintenance tips

Replacing Shocks: When Is it Time?

Replacing shocks on your car can dramatically improve your vehicle’s performance. These crucial components play a pivotal role in your suspension system…

Expert advice

5 Repairs you Should Stop Putting Off Until Tomorrow

There are certain jobs that are just no fun. Some repairs require using special tools or getting at hard-to-reach spaces. Others take a solid day of wrenching…

Maintenance tips

Evolving Modern Engines Change the Maintenance Equation

The internal combustion engine is still going strong after nearly 150 years. Lenoir, Otto, and Benz, engine and automobile pioneers, would be astonished…

Maintenance tips

10 Ways Your Car Is Telling You It Needs Brake Service

Brakes are often overlooked and taken for granted until a significant problem arises. When it comes to the most important safety mechanism on your…

Maintenance tips

Tips for keeping your car in good condition during COVID-19

As you may not use your car or truck as much, it is important to know what to do to keep your vehicle in perfect condition: you will avoid troubles the…

Maintenance tips

Tire Inflation Tips for Better Fuel Economy, Safety, and Longer-Lasting Tires

Tire pressure is very important, but many car owners don’t give their tires a second thought once they’re installed. By following a few simple tire…

Maintenance tips

Know Your Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)

Checking a vehicle’s tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) is as easy as getting into the car and turning the ignition on. If the TPMS indicator light…

Maintenance tips

Wheel Alignment and Balancing: Shake, Rattle and Roll

Wheel alignment and tire balancing are often small adjustments with big consequences. Beyond being part of routine tire maintenance, keeping…

Maintenance tips

5 Oil Myths Debunked

Humankind has been using oil for at least 4,000 years, and oil myths go back just as far. Ancient people believed crude oil had medicinal benefits…

Maintenance tips

Checking Tire Pressure in the Winter Is Critical

Managing tire pressure in the winter isn’t quite the same as it is during the summer. Why? Because cold weather can have a serious impact on the level…

Maintenance tips, Seasonal maintenance

Do I Need to Warm Up my Car? A Winter Weather Primer

Whether or not to warm up the car is a frequent debate when you live in a climate where the mercury often drops well below freezing. Whether you’re…

Maintenance tips

Winter Electric Car Maintenance Tips for the First Time EV Owner

Electric vehicles (EVs) are far more prevalent today than they were just a few years ago. Car makers have jumped on the trend, and EVs are now a common…

Maintenance tips

Winter Driving Techniques: What's Changed With Modern Vehicles

While most traditional winter driving techniques are still helpful today, modern vehicle design has introduced a number of wrinkles into how to safely…

Maintenance tips

5 Signs That It May Be Time To Change Your Battery

No car battery lasts forever. It’s important to stay alert for signs that your own power pack might need to be replaced before it ends up letting…

Maintenance tips

3 Engine Cold Start Urban Legends

Winter can be a stressful time for your car as the cold temperatures, snow, and ice strain your vehicle’s various systems. Over the years, a virtual…

Maintenance tips

Traction Control: When to Deactivate It

Traction control is one of the most useful electronic safety systems found in modern automobiles. It serves as a watchful eye that constantly assesses…

Maintenance tips

How to Prepare Your Car for Winter

Winter weather means tough times for your car. For months, it experiences an onslaught of cold, salt, snow, and ice. However, if you prepare your vehicle…

Maintenance tips

Should You Get a Second Set of Rims and Tires for Winter?

Seasonal changes bring different challenges, and Canadian winters are no exception. Many drivers will mount their winter tires before the first frost…

Maintenance tips

Winter Tires: When Should You Make the Seasonal Switch?

When is the best time to put on winter tires? If you ask three friends or family members, you’ll most likely get three different answers. The best way…

Maintenance tips

Synthetic Oil—Is It Worth It?

If you’re buying parts and supplies for your next oil change or scheduling your next maintenance service, you might be debating whether to choose conventional…

Maintenance tips

Engine Block Heaters: A Winning Tool for Winter Weather

Winter’s chill can have devastating effects on your car—particularly overnight, when your vehicle sits in sub-zero temperatures. During the coldest…

Maintenance tips

Why Your Auto Mechanic Needs to See Your Car Regularly

The two main reasons why people bring their car to an auto mechanic are: (1) for regular scheduled maintenance and (2) because they noticed a problem.…

Maintenance tips

Do Driving Assistance Technologies Require Extra Maintenance?

Modern cars are full of driving assistance technologies that are intended to help ease the burden on longer trips, as well as keep you safer on the road…

Maintenance tips

Top Six AWD & 4X4 Maintenance Tips

Across the country, all-wheel-drive (AWD), four-wheel-drive (4WD), and four-by-four (4X4) vehicles are more popular than ever. Not only is AWD great for…

Maintenance tips

Every Car Owner Should Read the Owner’s Manual

While it would be unfair to say that no driver has ever read the owner’s manual for their vehicle, those who have are a rarity. Across all forms of…

Maintenance tips

What Is a Tune-Up on a Modern Car

Regardless of what vehicle you drive or how well you drive it, your car won’t last very long without regular maintenance and the occasional tune-up.…

Maintenance tips

Hybrid Vehicle Maintenance: What to Know

Like conventional vehicles, hybrid vehicles need regular maintenance to deliver peak performance and fuel economy. But when it comes to engine oil changes…

Maintenance tips

What to Do About the Check Engine Light

Since Karl Benz paired the internal combustion engine with wheels, engines and cars have become ever more powerful and efficient. Thanks to the addition…

Maintenance tips

Truck Maintenance You Might Have Missed

Whether you’re commuting, hauling, towing, or vacationing, your truck’s abilities come with a price. Truck maintenance is critical to retain the power…

Maintenance tips

Raising Your Truck’s Suspension—Good Idea or Bad Idea?

Raising your truck suspension is not all about off-roading. With a lifted rig, you can see better and tow and haul better, too. Some lift their trucks…

Maintenance tips

Is It The End of The Road for Manual Transmissions?

So far this year, manual transmission sales have made up just two percent of American car sales—and just 20 percent of 2018 models even offer…

Maintenance tips

Aftermarket Auto Repair: Will It Void a New-Car Warranty?

Congratulations, you just brought home your new car! How great is driving something new and exciting and reliable? Thanks to the new‑car warranty, even…

Maintenance tips

Summer Road Trip Tips

Whether you pick a favourite destination or decide to explore someplace new, embarking on a vacation is a popular summertime rite of passage. While flying…

Maintenance tips

Towing a Trailer: Know Before You Tow

By Benjamin Jerew Towing a trailer seems simple – install a hitch, hook up, and go, right? Mere appearances cannot guarantee your vehicle is capable…

Maintenance tips

Eleven Tips to Extend Automatic Transmission Life

By Benjamin Jerew Over 90 percent of Canadian vehicles are fitted with an automatic transmission, and most drivers cringe at the words “transmission…

Maintenance tips

Five Tips to Prevent Rust

It has been said that the Europeans invented rust, but the Japanese perfected it, but our oxygen-rich atmosphere guarantees all cars and trucks rust over…

Maintenance tips

Five Used Vehicle Inspection Tips

By Benjamin Jerew Depending on what stage of the buying a used vehicle you’re at, your state of mind could range from overwhelmed to exhilaration. To…

Maintenance tips

Need Help Choosing Brake Pads for your Ride?

Choosing brake pads is not likely something you consider often, unless your brakes are telling you they need attention. Looking at new brake pads, it…

Maintenance tips

Why A Brake Service Is Important in Canada

Brake service and brake repair aren’t the same. It takes longer for brakes to wear than to rust. You can’t afford to ignore your brakes in the…

Maintenance tips

Suspension Noises – Potholes Got You Hearing Things?

Suspension noises, things that rattle, squeak, thump, and go bump in the night or any time of day are telling you your suspension has worn out. It’s…

Maintenance tips

Spring Cleaning Tips to Get Rid of Winter Salt

Getting out of another harsh Canadian winter, it’s time to start thinking about Spring Cleaning. Of course, you need to clear road salt and sand from…

Maintenance tips

Motor Oil 101 – What You Need to Know

Whatever vehicle you drive, you might get an oil change every 7,500 to 15,000 km, but what exactly does motor oil do? What is motor oil made of? Why do…

Maintenance tips

Tire Season – The Best Time to Put on Summer Tires

By Benjamin Jerew Spring is finally here, and summer quickly approaches, which means it’s time to head to your local tire shop to take off your winter…

Maintenance tips


Car batteries tend to die at the most inopportune times. Sometimes you’ll get the usual warning signs, such as an engine that’s slow to turn over…

Maintenance tips


Is your car’s heating system ready to deal with chilly winter temperatures? It’s easy to forget about your heater during the summer months, but you…

Maintenance tips


Wouldn’t it be great if our cars told us when something is wrong? In a way, they already do. Modern cars have instrument panels with dozens of symbols…

Maintenance tips


The most common causes of engine overheating are fortunately all very preventable. Keeping your vehicle’s motor running smoothly and at the proper temperature…

Maintenance tips


Who hasn’t played the “kilometres until empty” game? You know, the one that starts when the needle hits E, the gas-light fires up on your dashboard…

Maintenance tips


A used car inspection can save you a lot of grief down the road. Vehicle history reports are helpful, but investing some time and money in a trusted mechanic…

Maintenance tips


If you’re in the process of selling a used car, you can maximize its value by taking several low-cost steps ahead of the sale. In doing so, you’ll…

Maintenance tips


How to store tires is probably not something you have given much thought. After all, aren’t tires the toughest part of your vehicle? Don’t they take…

Maintenance tips


If your car or light truck is relatively new—say, 10 years old or less—it may be equipped with traction control or its more sophisticated cousin,…

Maintenance tips

Winter car wash: more than keeping up appearances

You probably won’t want to hear it, but those frigid, snow-filled winter months are when it’s most important to wash your car. Often overlooked or…

Maintenance tips

Maintenance Makes Your Car Last Longer

It’s abundantly clear that these days, any vehicle can operate smoothly for more than 10 to 12 years and cover hundreds of thousands of kilometres.…

Maintenance tips

Choosing the right fuel

You want to make the right choices for your car, but with all the options out there, it’s easy to get confused! Gasoline is a good example: what exactly…

Maintenance tips

Automotive Safety Goes High Tech

Automotive manufacturers continue to develop new technology for today’s cars. The purpose of most of this technology is to increase the safety of passengers…

Maintenance tips

Oil—One of Your Engine’s Essential Fluids

In an increasing number of new vehicles on the market, the oil level is indicated directly on the dashboard. But that doesn’t mean you should stop…

Maintenance tips

Is Anti-Rust Protection Required?

Finding rust on your vehicle can be a nightmare come true, but it’s going to happen one day or another. What can you do to fight it? Rust-proofing claims…

Maintenance tips

Brake Maintenance Is a Must!

Unless you take your vehicle with you to Florida in the winter, the harsh winters can really put your brakes to the test. And just how do brakes keep…

Maintenance tips

Reading the sidewall of a tire

The sidewalls contain a lot of information that will come in handy when you have to purchase tires. The code indicates, from left to right, the type of…

Maintenance tips

A job for the injectors

For over a hundred years, internal combustion engines have worked by drawing a mixture of ambient air and a small amount of gasoline into a carburetor…

Maintenance tips

The Importance of Proper Wheel Alignment

Over the course of the thousands of kilometres that your vehicle will travel, your car’s wheel alignment will be put to the test by all the…

Maintenance tips

Pimp My Ride!

Owning a car is great, but pimping it is even better! There are tons of accessories out there, if you want to add a personal touch to your car. What’…

Maintenance tips

Understanding and Maintaining Your Steering System

A classic steering system generally has a steering rack that links the steering wheel to the front tires of a car. Now in common usage, power steering…

Maintenance tips

Are You Up to Speed on Transmissions?

Until recently, everyone knew how to drive stick. Things are different now—manual transmission vehicles are slowly disappearing. Whether it’s because…

Maintenance tips

Getting to Know Your Suspension

There’s no doubt that a vehicle’s suspension gets a good workout in the spring. During the spring thaw, road surfaces become more precarious and tons…

Maintenance tips

Your Hauling Capacity Depends on What You’re Driving

With the arrival of spring, many people are getting ready to take out their campers, moving trailers, boats, ATVs, and other toys. Before you hit the…

Maintenance tips

A Complete Tune-Up

This spring, you get out your lawn-mower and it just won’t start. You’ve nearly ripped your arm off trying to pull the starter rope, but the engine…

Maintenance tips

Shock Campaigns - a Drive Safely Reminder to

We just can’t say it enough: driving safety affects us all. Shocking ad campaigns meant to hit an emotional nerve are fairly common. Whether you’re…

Maintenance tips

Child Safety in the Car

It used to be that kids could sit wherever they wanted in the car: on Mom’s lap, between Mom and Dad in the front, or even standing up in the back,…

Maintenance tips

Muffler or Exhaust?

Originally mufflers comprised a long pipe that channelled exhaust fumes to the back of the vehicle and a resonator that cancelled out the sound from a…

Maintenance tips

The Golden Rules of Tire Storage

Tire storage has been on the rise in the last decade with the increased use of bulky tires (especially for SUVs and performance vehicles). Since many…

Maintenance tips

Women in the Automotive Industry

These days it’s common to see women in the automotive industry, but this hasn’t always been the case. Apart from the iconic women at the starting…

Maintenance tips

Air filters

If your vehicle is less than 10 years old, there’s a good chance it has two air filters. Most people are aware of the engine air filter, but not…

Maintenance tips

Vehicle maintenance and the manufacturer’s warranty:myth vs. reality.

Having your vehicle serviced by an Automotive Service Professional is a guarantee of safety and gives you peace of mind. But who should you trust with…

Maintenance tips

When the Check Enginelight comes on...

You break out in a cold sweat, convinced your engine is going to give out at any second, and call your mechanic in a panic. Take a deep breath—it’…

Maintenance tips

Do you rotate your winter tires?

You may have noticed chalk markings on your tires the last time you got them changed. That’s because the technician marked the place where each tire…

Maintenance tips

Understanding fuel consumption ratings

You bought a vehicle with fuel consumption ratings that fit your budget, but you’ve noticed that consumption is 10 to 20% higher than expected. You…

Maintenance tips

Your Diesel Car Is Not a Monster!

Unless you’ve been living on another planet, you’ve probably already heard that automotive manufacturer Volkswagen got caught red-handed using a software…

Maintenance tips

A Smarter Car

Who hasn’t dreamed of being able to eat breakfast and answer emails while driving? The driverless cars of the future promise to make such things possible…

Maintenance tips

Windshield Wipers: A Part That’s Often Overlooked

Sometimes we forget that cars are much more than just four wheels, an engine, and a steering wheel. Cars have many parts that make the ride more enjoyable…

Maintenance tips

Oil 101

Despite the number of new car technologies out there, some maintenance jobs will always be the same—like a good old oil change. Even if oil itself has…

Maintenance tips

Shocks 101

We’ve all seen clunkers that rattle on the road. More often than not, those noises aren’t due to a lack of love or poor maintenance—but age. These…

Maintenance tips

Brakes 101

When we were three, four or five years old, we all fell from our bike at least once because we had pressed too hard on the brakes. That was a first encounter…

Maintenance tips

Sensors get hi-tech

When we were kids, we’d imagine that a cardboard box was a spaceship. These days, we dream of self-driving cars. Until this dream becomes reality, car…

Maintenance tips

Anti-rust and hybrid/electric cars

Is it time to think about getting a new car? Does your family need a second vehicle? With all the compact cars and SUVs out there, have you considered…

Maintenance tips

It’s Road Trip Season!

1-2-3—it’s summer! In our family, we always yell this out when the bell rings on the last day of school. How do you mark the start of summer vacation…

Maintenance tips

Rotating Your Tires

Everyone knows they have to check the air pressure and wear of their tires—but what about rotating your tires? Here are some tire rotation tips so you…

Maintenance tips

Motor Oil 101

You need water and food to survive, but your vehicle needs gas and oil. To keep your vehicle in good mechanical health, it needs regular tune-ups and…

Maintenance tips

Battery 101

It’s one of the essential components in a car, for the starter, the radio or the info-entertaining system. Here are some basic facts about this much…

Maintenance tips

Spring is finally here! (Final part)

Winter is over and it’s time to clean your car for spring. The road salt, snow, and slush have taken their toll on your car both inside and out. Spring…

Maintenance tips

Spring at Last!

Whatever Mother Nature decides to send us in the way of weather for March and April, mild, balmy weather will end up returning officially… sooner or…

Maintenance tips

Doctor, We Have A Problem!

Who am I? Every vehicle has one like me on its instrument panel, but most drivers prefer to ignore it. The answer: the warning light indicating an engine…

Maintenance tips

Shedding New Light on Headlamp Changes

For driving in the dark, such as by evening or night, to be entirely safe and pleasant, you need bright headlamps in good condition. However, these often…

Maintenance tips

Does It Matter What the Groundhog Says?

This winter’s degree of harshness will have depended upon the region where you live in Canada. Anyhow, some regions will have contended with impressive…

Maintenance tips

Ode to My Car

O! You, my car, my high-powered beautyYet the one I neglect a “little bit”!Still, you’re always there for me In good or bad weatherAt all times…

Maintenance tips

New Year’s resolutions for your car

The New Year is traditionally a time for resolutions. If you can make resolutions for yourself, why not for your car? After all, your vehicle is also…

Maintenance tips

Final pre-winter sprint!

Early snowfalls this year have prompted Quebecers to install their snow tires far sooner than the December 15 deadline, but that does not mean their cars…

Maintenance tips

NAPA AUTOPRO Receives Top Award

For the fourth year in a row, NAPA AUTOPRO ranks “Highest Overall Customer Satisfaction Among Service Provider Brands”. According to the J.D.…

Maintenance tips

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

It’s Never Too Early to Prepare for Winter! When the mercury drops and the leaves start to change, you know it’s time to get your car ready for Quebec…

Maintenance tips

Know your car battery, help it make it last!

In preparation for the colder months ahead, now’s a pretty good time of year to check your car battery. Did you know that 70 percent of batteries don…

Maintenance tips

Are my tires properly inflated?

Have a look at the two driver’s side tires on your car sometime. If one was 30% underinflated, do you think you could tell which one just by looking…

Maintenance tips

Is your air conditioninglosing its cool?

People don’t give their automobile air conditioning a second thought, until it breaks down in 30 degree weather, that is. Automotive AC systems have…

Maintenance tips

Seasonal maintenance: Get your car ready before the heat is on

Let’s see, you changed the oil in April when you put your summer tires on. So you’re done with maintenance until the next tire change, right? Better…