Shock Campaigns – a Drive Safely Reminder to
We just can’t say it enough: driving safety affects us all. Shocking ad campaigns meant to hit an emotional nerve are fairly common. Whether you’re walking, biking, or driving a motorcycle, car, or truck, the Highway Safety Code applies to everyone. Despite the fact that the importance of safety is drilled into us since childhood, several thousand accidents resulting in serious injuries still occur every year in Canada.
The weather is getting warmer and many of you may be going for a drive or taking a road trip soon. Here are a few reminders that will help you see the road in a different light.
Drinking and driving
There’s no need to remind you of the dangers of driving under the influence. But here’s something you may not know: if you’re in a stationary car (even if you’re not in the driver’s seat), and your blood alcohol level exceeds the legal limit and the keys are in the car, the consequences are the same as if you were driving! The reason you stopped doesn’t matter, even if you took a break to sleep it off. A police officer who catches you in this situation has the right to take away your keys and licence.
These days, your car is a four-wheel communication hub. Keep your eyes on the road while you’re driving and ask a passenger to change the radio station or check the directions. If you have a GPS, make sure to enter the address before you leave. Lastly, it’s illegal to hold your cell phone for any reason while driving (picking a song, entering a destination, answering a call on speakerphone, etc.), and you could get a fine! Use voice commands, if possible.
Vehicle condition
Before you hit the road, even for a short trip, take a few minutes to visually inspect your car. A quick glance will help you spot any anomalies (low tire pressure, broken windshield wipers, low tailpipe, etc.). Before a longer trip, especially if you have a lot of luggage, check your tire pressure. In addition to making your car safer to drive, you’ll save on gas (tire pressure lower than 4 lb./sq. in. can lead to a 2% increase in fuel consumption).