Ode to My Car

O! You, my car, my high-powered beauty
Yet the one I neglect a “little bit”!
Still, you’re always there for me

In good or bad weather
At all times of the day and night
You fulfill all my needs
In return for a bit of fuel

Even if I don’t pamper you often
In this season of love
I choose you to be my Valentine

I offer you a Multi-point inspection
So you can stay healthy till the end of winter
And be quite snappy when spring comes

It seems that the holiday season was yesterday. Yet Valentine Day is right around the corner. Now that you took some resolutions concerning your car, why not show it more love and tenderness? In fact, we often forget it but winter is the perfect time for regular car maintenance.

The Importance of Prevention

Winter is the perfect time to take care of those little problems and do what should have been done before the harsh season. This explains why in winter most of the maintenance work is carried out on vehicles in urgent need of a repair or parts replacement. We often forget that winter is the perfect season to bring your car in for regular maintenance.

NAPA AUTOPRO centres offer various types of regular maintenance, whether after 6, 12, 48 or 100,000 kilometres. Technicians will carry out a 75-point inspection on your vehicle. Then, an estimate will indicate repairs and parts replacement that have to be done urgently or at a later date.

Prevention is always a guarantee of economy. Plus, the transition from winter to spring (at last!) will be easier. So take advantage of the season of love to pamper your car. Bring it in for an inspection under the hood!